Global Conservation Force is Leading an October Snare Workshop in Cape Town

An introductory snare workshop is being held October 1-2, 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. The training will bring together landowners, communities, researchers, and wildlife rehabilitation experts to better protect the area wildlife from snares, a common poaching tool.

Participants will learn how to identify, remove, reduce, and prevent snares in and around valuable wildlife habitat. The workshop will be taught by Global Conservation Force CEO/President, Mike Veale. Three graduates of last year’s Global Conservation Force anti-poaching ranger training will join Mike. They will serve as assistant instructors and help translate course materials and discussions for local community members.

Introduction to Snares and Emergency Wildlife Response Workshop. Join us for a two day once-off course led by experts from Global Conservation Force, USA. Saturday 1 October, 9:30 am - 4 pm and Sunday 2 October, 9:30 am - 3 pm. This course is to help wildlife professionals identify, remove, reduce, and prevent snares, in and around valuable wildlife habitat. With a broader goal to create a multi-focal streamlined approach to snaring, community involvement, research, education, counter-poaching, and wildlife rehab and response integration. Course content will include a mix of classroom and hands on, practical training. Participants should plan for indoor classroom discussions and light outside exercise, such as hiking through thicket and brush, and bring appropriate outdoor attire. Free to attend the two-day workshop. Entry to Helderberg Nature Reserve, specialist training, course content and food / refreshments are included. Space is very limited. Book now to avoid disappointment. RSVP by September 19, 2022 to: Helderberg Environmental Education Centre.The snare workshop is hosted in partnership with Cape Leopard Trust, Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, LandCare South Africa, Western Cape Government, and Global Conservation Force. 

The two-day workshop is free to attend and includes entry to Helderberg Nature Reserve, specialist training and course content, as well as food and refreshments. Email to reserve a spot. Deadline to register is September 19, 2022.

One Comment

  • Avatar Brod Nicholls says:

    Help animals live.
    Remove snares,stop poachers.
    Great to see workshops empowering communities.
    Poachers will stop at nothing to go under the radar including poisoning people who come close to poachers sphere of influence.The unremarkable distraction of a gifted musician or a gifted cricketer dying in there room because they smoke pot or have a natural bonhomie is one of the rude distractions poachers use. I think I was poisoned in my hotel room in Johannesburg and it was a very untraceable form of toxicity that left me with a very form of constapation.
    That happened in the Johannesburg Hilton.
    It was fortunate that my dad had a Kipling style love of animals and I could unfornicate from the toxins.

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